Saltana is an independent, non-profit electronic journal founded by literary translators and scholars from the fields of literature and translation studies. We publish poetry, fiction and essays from all periods of history and national traditions, in bilingual or multilingual editions, from any language into Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician and Portuguese or vice versa.
The translations range across modern and ancient versions, one of the journal's main concerns being to publish first translations and new versions. However, it also pays special attention to salvaging and circulating the translatorial heritage, in particular key translations from the viewpoint of history and literary, philosophical and cultural reception. A section of editions in other languages, the authors or works of which have been chosen for their importance or singularity in international cultural history, complements the Iberian-language editions. The journal includes scholarly articles and texts from the translators themselves as well as other materials and information on authors, topics and works.
Saltana is born of a desire to enhance the reader's awareness of translation as an intellectual activity of the first order, and as a practice that contributes to the building of a Weltliteratur. Texts are selected according to thematic and aesthetic criteria in the fashion of other cultural journals since it is believed that translation is another aspect of literature and thought as a whole, and that any translation reflects a totality, namely, the interactions, tensions and displacements among cultures in space and time. Saltana wishes to stress the decisive role of the translator as creator by showing the art of translation in action: a transitional, provisory process through which texts are transformed and turned not just from one language to another but from one literature and one culture to another.
The editorial board of Saltana welcomes contributions and suggestions both from translators on the Iberian Peninsula and in Latin America, as well as those who are involved in making Iberian and Latin-American literatures accessible to the rest of the world. |
Saltana [sal 'ta na] is a Spanish word used in the Andinian Region and Northwestern Argentina. It has two meanings: f. 1. A stone or piece of wood placed at intervals in the bed of a stream of water, to facilitate crossing on foot. 2. Coloquially, referring to a row or line of such stones or pieces of wood. |